Tuesday, April 5, 2022

College Baseball

We're going to pace ourselves on college baseball this year.  Last year, I watched too much college baseball and got burned out before the College World Series.  This year, I'm going back to my usual practice of not paying much attention until the middle of May.

Here is the current top 20, according to Baseball America.  The big news is that Tennessee may have the greatest college baseball team ever.  They just went to Vandy and crushed the Dores:  6-2, 5-2, and 5-0.

1.  Tennessee:  27-1 (not a typo)
2.  Virginia:  25-3
3.  Arkansas:  21-5
4.  Oklahoma St:  20-8
5.  Texas Tech:  23-6
6.  Oregon St:  20-7
7.  Mississippi:  19-8
8.  Texas:  21-9
9.  Miami (Fla.):  21-6
10.  Arizona:  21-7
11.  Louisville:  21-7
12.  Notre Dame:  16-5
13.  Florida St:  16-11
14.  Stanford:  14-9
15.  Gonzaga:  18-7
16.  Texas St:  23-6
17.  Georgia:  22-6
18.  UCLA:  18-8
19.  Vanderbilt:  20-7
20.  N. Carolina:  20-8