Thursday, September 16, 2021

HP Special Report: Ah, Paducah

This is an HP Special Report ... a conversation is unfolding this morning on the Facebook social-media platform (fanned by, among others, a star trumpeter in the 1984 Heath High School Marching Band of Pirates/former Boy Scouts of America Troop 4 patrol leader) about the history of Cardinal Point, and it is LIT!


Will advise as events warrant (i.e., comments flow!) ...


  1. "Imagine little Sturgis but every weekend."

  2. "My father-in-law bowled the first 300 game there."

  3. "Prior to moving to a new location in 1986 Risley’s Audio/Video was located where the glass windows are to the right of Cardinal Lanes."

  4. I'm pretty sure I listened to one of Kentucky's men's basketball seasons end in the Griff's dining room (shown in this video). I have this memory of Dad bringing his own transistor radio into the store and putting it on the table for us to listen to Cawood while he and I sat in the booth and ate hamburgers. I can only imagine that Dad had decided that UK's season was going to end that day, was trying to avoid the broadcast but then decided he needed to listen, after all.

    But I might be dreaming this whole thing.

    1. In 2016, I decided that Kentucky played better when I didn't watch them at all. I think I was also burned out from the 2015 season. Anyway, I decided that I wasn't going to watch them in the tournament. So for me that season ended on a Saturday afternoon while I was shopping at Goodwill and I decided to check my phone to see who had won the UK-Indiana second round game.
