The truth is it works. For 10 songs this is a solid album. Lee Ann Womack sounds great, the production is excellent, and then something happens. The last three songs honestly sound like they come from a different album. There is a part of me that thinks they gave the label a 10 song album and the label wanted more, so they pulled out songs recorded back in 2009 and threw them on the end.
Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 2 out of 5 stars for Not Bad. A good winter album to throw on when your working at home alone.
It's a horrible video, and for a first single off the album from a big artist it only has around 51,000 views on youtube. It's sad to think that you simply peak with one big huge song and then nothing, but that seems to be the path of Womack's career.
Was "A Little Past Little Rock" the huge hit? Because I love that song.