They play a very agressive style of flamenco, influenced by their metal background, and have on this album traveled to Cuba to record with C.U.B.A. a 13 piece orchestra. This is an album that requires you to listen. It does not sit quietly in the background, but wants to be at the fore with its aggressive rythms and performances. To a degree that works for me, but then it also feels a bit heavy handed after a while. Interesting the first time through I found myself liking the album less and less as I listened. Too much at times, too overly dramatic.
If you want to check out some experimental flamenco music from a popular duo then give this a listen.
Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 1 out of 5 stars for Just OK.
Love it, especially the flute and the claps. I'll bet these people are Mason Williams fans.