Monday, March 26, 2012

A Story from Number3Son: Spaceman -- The New Criminal

Here is another story from Number3Son, who is in the fourth grade, about those great heroes: Spaceman and Security Girl. You can read more about them here.


Spaceman and Security Girl were down in the Space-Quarters. Security Girl's computer gave her the I.D. of a new criminal: LAZY MAN. He looked forward to ruling the world by giving people "Lazy Vitamins," or blasting them with his "Lazy Laser." These things make people too lazy to resist Lazy Man's wicked schemes.

Our Daily Heroes jumped in the Spacemobile and went to the Center Church and saw stairs leading to a place that had not been seen in hundreds of years. A priest walked toward the two, but then he slumped when he was hit with Lazy Man's "Forever Lazy" stomach laser.

The next day, our Daily Heroes went to Alaska, looking for Lazy Man, but he was not there. Instead, the people in Alaska were having their daily raffle. The winning number was 167513, and a man in a Slaking outfit (that's a type of Pokemon) said, "Yep, that's me!" He flew to Mexico.

Next Spaceman and Security Girl went to Spain, where they saw the Torre del Oro (Tower of Gold). The Two Heroes saw Lazy Man; they were about to see him in action!

He fired his laser while getting shoved and kicked around by Spaceman and Security Girl. But then he hit Security Girl with his laser and she started "loafing around." But then Lazy Man accidentally fired his laser at Security Girl again, and the effect was reversed. She stopped loafing around, and she put up a mirror so that Lazy Man would be hit by his own laser and cause himself to loaf around.

And so Lazy Man was jailed!



  1. I have to say too that Lazy Man made me think of the original DC Comic Sandman. The difference of course was that Sandman was a good guy.

  2. I noticed that Space Man didn't seem to do very much in this story. Everything seemed to involve Security Girl.

  3. When I think of Security Girl, I always envision Power Girl. I don't really have a vision for Space Man, what does he look like?

  4. I would love to see the "Forever Lazy" stomach laser.

    Also, I wish I still had my Pig Bandit comic strips from fifth grade.

    1. When drawing with Mabel the other day I found myself drawing a picture of Super Pumpkin.
