Mister Heavenly is a super group made up of Nick Thorburn (Islands, The Unicorns), Ryan Kattner (Man Man) and Joe Plummer (Modest Mouse, The Shins), and the problem with most super groups is that they aren't really a group. They are a bunch of people who come together to make and album and tour. Usually they revolve their sound around some sort of theme, but the problem is it is not very well thought out or constructed and so though you get an idea of what they are trying to do, they never get there. Normally if they follow up with a second album, their sound becomes much more defined as they've been touring and spending time working on their sound and writing new stuff, but that isn't always necessarily the case. I would also argue at that point they are no longer a super group, but officially become a group.
With that background we can now talk about this album, which as a sound the band has self labeled doom wop, the modern, alternative take on 50's doo-wop. Problem is this album falls into the same trap of almost all of these super group albums and so the songs and the sound they are going for feels choppy and undeveloped.
If you what to hear something these guys are calling doom wop then give it a listen, but you aren't missing out on much if you pass.
Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 1 out of 5 stars for Just OK.
How am I supposed to give "doom wop" its due when I'm still engrossed in the "post-punk" movement?