If you liked Sublime 15 years ago then you'll probably like Sublime With Rome's debut album. Sublime lost their front man 15 years ago to a drug overdose. The rest of the band went on to other projects, but came back in 2009 as Sublime With Rome. They were unable to use the name Sublime due to legal issues. Rome Ramirez is the Rome in the band name and he's the new front man for this three piece band.
If you like the ska stuff that was so in vogue 15 years ago, then I would say give this a listen. It definitely has that 90's ska sound, but it doesn't feel dated and is a solid set of songs. If you never got into the whole ska thing, well then there's no reason to start now.
Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 1 out of 5 stars for Just OK.
wow ... in reading this review, i realize i've heard of sublime for 20 years or whatever and have probably heard a bunch of their songs--but couldn't identify one song and knew nothing of their history.
wow ... in reading this review, i realize i've heard of sublime for 20 years or whatever and have probably heard a bunch of their songs--but couldn't identify one song and knew nothing of their history.