Number3Son is back to complete his list of the 10 best villains. Previous installments can be found here and here.
Number3Son's Villain's List: Part III
We're going to finish the list, so don't worry. I hope there are three thumbs way up! So, to make my Uncle happy, let's finish!
3. The Riddler
The Riddler is obsessed with word games, puzzles, and, of course, riddles. He tried but fails to trick Batman into dying. He decides to use the games and riddles all the time. One time, in the Animated Series, he made a device called the "Hand of Fate" to fly around the amusement park, but when Batman uses it to reach the maze's center, the Riddler calls "Grand-scale cheating!" He is a good villain.
2. Darth Vader
Darth Vader is a Sith Lord and no laughing matter. He command his stormtroopers under the command of Darth Sideous, who has now become the evil lightning-faced Emperor. He commands their Lord Vader to fight all Jedi, even his son Luke Skywalker! He uses his stormtroopers to guard the Death Star, but when the X-Wing destroys each part of the Death Star, a computer says, "Death Star self-destruct: 3, 2, 1 . . ." BOOM!! The existence of Vader is ended after he kills the Emperor.
Now, who is . . . # 1? Here he is!
1. Black Knight
The Black Knight is one of the villains in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. He commands Begnion armies and uses them to try but fail to kill some heroes. He uses a bad voice in Path of Radiance, in which he kills Greil, but in Radiant Dawn, my brother Number1Son uses a Darth Vader voice to say his words. He is my favorite villain because in Radiant Dawn, he's kind of awesome without question.
Darth Vader is, indeed, no laughing matter. Excellent and fun reading, Number3Son, and congratulations on getting your uncle off your back.