Friday, May 20, 2011

UI Golf League 2011: Week 2

As rounds of golf go this was one of the worst rounds I've had in my adult life.  I couldn't do anything off the tee and was unbelievably bad around the greens.  I struggled in with a 57. 

There isn't a lot to say as I would prefer to forget this round.  I'm happy to be consistently striking the ball in the fairway and so my work at the driving range has helped in that regard, but now I need to go spend some time around a green and work out the issues that so plagued me yesterday.  Twice from within 50 yards it took me 6 shots to get home and you can't succeed at golf like that.


  1. You were probably distracted, thinking about Natalie and Maria. I couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities for Episode 5 last night.

  2. It sounds like you need to play a par-3 course. That might be the best way to practice your short game.

    Also, I think somebody should write up at least one of those Natalie and Maria episodes. I would go with Episode 2.
