Monday, May 2, 2011

Tech Note: How Vulnerable are Macs?

I have been doing computer support work as a full time job for the past 16 years.  During that time there has always been an ongoing debate between the Mac people and the Windows people.  The Mac people have made fun of how vulnerable Windows seems to be to hackers and the Windows people have argued that the only reason Macs don't appear vulnerable is because no one was going after them because of their small market share. 

Well Apple's market share has grown and now they have hot products on the market like the iPad and iPhone which could also be potentially at risk, and so now everyone is sitting and waiting for the first wave of attacks to come on Apple devices to see how well they hold up.  Today CSIS, an IT security company, released information that we may be very close to the first wave of attacks. 

If it turns out that Apple devices are vulnerable it may turn out to be the most interesting technology story of the next five years, and so we in the IT world all sit and wait to see what happens. 


  1. I like the idea of "Tech Note" being the HP's most sensational, rabble-rousing feature.
