This album comes in at number 99 currently on the Best of the 90's list. It's by far the best album Snoop Dogg ever did and in many ways it cursed him because it set him up as this funny, vulgar, dope smoking guy and so that's the role he's been playing for the past 18 years. He's certainly made the most of it, but I sometimes wonder what he could do if he turned out a serious album.
There are some solid tracks to pull off of here and put on a mix tape, but the overall vibe is a bit too over the top for me.
Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 2 out of 5 stars for Not Bad.
I used to feel bad that Hunter Thompson got stereotyped as a dope-smoking weirdo, and that he had to live with that reputation forever. But now I think that he really loved that lifestyle, and that he wanted to be a cult figure more than he wanted to be a great writer.