Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh, Kentucky

They're pulling out some pretty dire language to describe the flooding that is gathering across the Ohio Valley: "catastrophic," "closed until further notice," "1937," etc. The Twitter desk plans to watch waters and words all day.

Kentucky's Mom Congress delegate comes down in favor of PTAs vs. PTOs.

Perfect score!

Henderson is set to give the state's most-decorated World War I veteran a little local love Wednesday.

The Courier-Journal reports that coal-fired power generators in Central City, Louisville and Versailles could be on their way out.

Carlton Jackson's Bowling Green Daily News review of Pat Carr's memoirs is a conversation starter: "Thus began a writing theory that she has espoused ever since: you have to get into the head of your subject; a woman cannot do this with a man, and a man cannot do this with a woman. These thoughts were controversial then, and remain so today."