Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Best of the 80's: Boy by U2

BoyComing in at number 84 on the Best of the 80's list is this 1980 debut from U2.  What strikes me listening to this album 31 years after its release is how much this album is dominated by The Edge.  I was reading a review where they commented on this and they are dead on correct.  Bono seems a bit all over the place, the rhythm section is often plugging away, and The Edge is bringing in all of these textures and melodies keeping everything together.  

The other thing that's strikes me is just how great an opening song "I Will Follow" is for a debut album.  In many ways this song alone stands on the album as a beacon for where the band will be going over their next four albums.

This album isn't bad, though I don't imagine it would make my top 100 of the 80's list.  U2 is always good for cleaning the house music. 

Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 2 out of 5 stars for Not Bad.


  1. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" was the first poem published by T.S. Eliot after he left school.

  2. I love, love, love this video. I had never seen it before.

  3. Nor had I. Very entertaining. I love U2.
