Saturday, March 26, 2011

Life in Kentucky

This is one of my favorite fan videos of all time. I particularly like the dog and the large bottle of orange soda.

By the way, here is how the end of the game sounded on the Big Blue Network.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. There are literally tears in my eyes.

    I went to a meeting yesterday to talk about the future of the Madisonville First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) youth group. There were 18 people there, both males and females ages 2 through 70. Literally all but one had stayed up to watch Friday night's win to the end, and the one who missed it is a 13-year-old guy who normally sees all the games but had bowed to a visiting friend's request to instead watch a movie. And he was so mad at himself.

    I wonder where this couple and the dog live.
