If you know nothing about Patti Smith the best way to get introduced is with the song "Gloria." She essentially steals parts of Van Morrison's "Gloria" and builds a new song around it. It's like sampling in a way and shows best what Smith was trying to accomplish with her stripped down, raw sound.
This album sits at number 50 on the Best of the 70's list and I have to admit I thought it would be down in the 30's or even 20's.
You can never go wrong by throwing on "Gloria" when you want to get rowdy. I find I have to be in the right mood for the rest of the album, but if you don't know this album and have interest in rock from a historical perspective it's worth hearing. I should say too that when you are in the right frame of mind it can be a great album as she's doing things musically that are really good. If you like "Candy's Room" for instance it's hard not to like "Free Money."
Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 3 out of 5 stars for Pretty Good.
She's so great. So, so, so great.