Saturday, January 29, 2011

Kentucky 66 - 60 Georgia (Final) (No. 2,039)

I don't know about you, but I personally hope we've seen the last of Georgia for this year. They are simply a horrible matchup for UK. In 80 minutes of basketball, they out-scored us 137-136.

I wonder if Georgia's coach regrets sticking to his zone for the entire first half. Lamb and Knight finally had the chance at some open threes, and they sparked UK to a 39-24 halftime lead -- the most points UK has scored in the first half since they crushed LSU a few weeks ago. UK also benefited from the absence of Trey Thompkins, who spent the last 7 minutes of the half on the bench with two fouls. In the second half, however, Georgia junked their zone and went to a tough man-to-man defense that gave UK all kind of trouble. Except for Lamb, UK shot only 15-41 from the field -- a terrible percentage that reflects Georgia's physical, banging play. Fortunately, Lamb was 7-11 from the field -- and 3-6 from three-point range. Time after time, he scored key baskets to spike Georgia rallies.

The last few minutes of the game -- where UK had problems making free throws and even getting the ball in -- are somewhat worrisome, particularly given UK's late game troubles at Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina. I'm afraid this is just part of dealing with a young team, and we are simply going to have to hope for the best.

But while Lamb played hard, and UK's defense was very good -- Georgia made only 33 percent of their shots and we held them to the 60-point level that should be our goal -- I'm not sure the Wildcats would have made it without the support of Number3Son. After playing two games of Settlers of Catan against his brothers and sister, Number3Son came downstairs to add his support to the Big Blue in the second half. As he put it, he was a "whole different supporter" in this game. Normally peaceful during these affairs, today he let the Bulldogs have it: "Get him! Play defense! NO, YOU IDIOT! MAKE THESE FREE THROWS!!" His support was a great comfort, and we are happy to welcome him to the ranks of Big Blue Nation. (We are now watching Vandy play Arkansas, and Number3Son has already told me that Vanderbilt "is not as good as Kentucky.")

UK now has a huge game at Ole Miss on Tuesday, followed by College Gameday at Florida on Saturday night. (That "firm grip" on first place that Florida had after the Georgia game has already been shaken, as the Gators were upset at Mississippi State today). This will be the most important week of the season so far, and we will know a lot more about the Blue by next Sunday.

Whatever happens, Number3Son and I will be talking about the importance of free throws.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate this report, and I'm very happy for your afternoon with Number3Son.

    I got to watch only the last 34 seconds of this game, but I did enjoy listening to the Big Blue Network radio broadcast as I walked over to the home of the parents-in-law on a 50-degree afternoon in Madisonville.
