Monday, January 31, 2011

Album Review: Valhalla Dancehall by British Sea Power

Valhalla DancehallI've never heard of these guys until putting this album on.  After sitting through it now five times I still don't feel any connection to the album.  It feels oddly random to me.  Even on the fifth time through I didn't really notice any patterns to their sound, to their lyrics, and not even any mental recognition that I'd heard these songs before.  In other words the entire album is completely forgettable. 

If you just want to throw on some music for background noise while you read a book then maybe this would be a good pick as it's completely uninvolving. 

Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 1 out of 5 stars for Just OK.


  1. the song reminds me a little of madness.

  2. I really like "British Sea Power" as the name for a band.
