Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Album Review: Strip Me by Natasha Bedingfield

Strip MeIf you like Natasha Bedingfield then my guess is you'll like this album.  She's not trying anything new here, but just continuing where B.D. left off in 2007. 

It's a fairly solid collection of pop tunes, but this is her fourth album in six years and there is no real variation here in the lyrical content or the musical content.  Lyrically Bedingfield is just a bit too cliched and uninteresting.  She has a good voice but there is something cold about her performance on this album.  Maybe it's because we've heard this album three other times it is losing it's emotional pull.   

It wouldn't be a bad album to play on a beach trip or while doing spring cleaning.  Not sure why this was released for the Christmas season instead of waiting to make it a summer release. 

Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 2 out of 5 stars for Not Bad.

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