This is T.I.'s 7th album. His last three all went to number 1 on the US Billboard chart. Apparently for this album he decided to feature someone on every track. Featuring artists is the thing to do on R&B and rap tracks, and at times you get some real winners, but for the most part these tracks are very formulaic. An entire album of tracks like this, from a rap artist who is pretty formulaic to begin with, is just a bit much.
If you are a big T.I. fan you might like this album but I think even the hardcore T.I. fans will be a bit disappointed with this one.
You could definitely pull songs off of here for a workout mix.
Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 1 out of 5 stars for Just OK.
It's so strange how all of the videos are a little off-kilter in the layout that I get now since I switched over to Apple. Sometimes, I can still play the videos; sometimes, I can't. This one, I can't.
It's so strange how all of the videos are a little off-kilter in the layout that I get now since I switched over to Apple. Sometimes, I can still play the videos; sometimes, I can't. This one, I can't.