Saturday, January 29, 2011

Album Review: Bird Songs by Joe Lovano Us Five

Bird SongsJoe Lovano has been cutting records since 1985.  Here he has put together a group of younger artists as his backing band and they are exploring the work of Charlie Parker. 

I like Lovano's take on the Parker standards like the opener "Passport."  He slows the tempo a bit letting the band fill out the sound behind him to create a deep and rich song.  I actually prefer Lovano's take on songs like "Passport" and "Donna Lee" to that of Parker's. 

Where I think Lovano and his band struggle is when they take a less structured and a more abstract approach at interpretation.  Take a song like "Ko Ko" where I think they get a bit lost trying to figure out where to go with this complex, fast paced, Parker tune.

If you are in the mood for some jazz I say throw this one on and give it a listen.  It would be fun to have on while having coffee with friends.

Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 2 out of 5 stars for Not Bad.

1 comment:

  1. In Louisville in the summer of 1989, I paid $7.95 or some outrageous amount for a cassette of Charlie Parker music, and I've enjoyed off and on ever since.
