Good jobs news from Louisville.
A squiggly battle line is drawn for next year's election of a governor.
This item points to how business models can evolve across the relationships of underlying technology (radio network and devices), service provider (broadcasters such as WMC in Memphis and KARK in Little Rock) and content provider (Bill Monroe and the Blue Grass Boys). Here are some 15- or 18-year-old photos of a store in Rosine (Monroe's hometown) where his sister-in-law worked and music and basketball were apparently played.

Speaking of evolving, here's an interesting development from Bardstown's Kentucky Standard, which is nearing its 110th birthday.
Sturdy, thought-provoking reporting from The Courier-Journal's Peter Smith on the Kentucky Baptist Convention, which, he writes, "counts more than 756,083 members statewide in nearly 2,400 churches, making it the largest religious body in the state."
Reports of the death of the Kentucky State Parks are greatly exaggerated.
Congregational autonomy, baby! That's the way to go.