Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Album Review: $O$ by Die Antwoord

$O$ [Explicit] [+Digital Booklet]There are times when I'm aware of my age.  This is one of them.  These guys, like Justin Bieber, became famous through a youtube video.  Unlike Justin Bieber these guys are not aiming at the mainstream crowd.  They are aiming at the lost Eminem crowd.  I had never heard of them.  

Like Eminem they play characters who weave comedic, vulgar rhymes.  Unlike Eminem they derive from South Africa and their characters are white trailer trash.  They also have a girl in the mix to add a little different feel 

I have to say this album does nothing for me.  I never liked Eminem either, though he could rhyme like crazy.  It's just that the over the top vulgar stuff gets a bit old about 30 seconds in.  It's the same for me with these guys.  Except they aren't as good at rhyming. 

It's hard to imagine these guys will ever get the traction that Eminem had since these guys go much more over the top than he ever dared. 

Definitely no reason to ever play this one. 

Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 0 out of 5 stars for Don't Like.

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