Thursday, August 26, 2010

The kid from Goshen

The last time we heard from Justin Thomas of Goshen, Kentucky, the St. X student was coming in second at the U.S. Junior Amateur. This week, Thomas is in the U.S. Amateur Championship, which is being played at a new course in Chambers Bay, Washington. Thomas did really well in two rounds of medal play -- finishing fourth in the whole field -- and therefore qualified for the match-play field of 64. Yesterday he had at match against Bobby Leopold, a 25-year-old Englishman who now lives in Rhode Island.

The match was all square through six holes, but then Thomas took control by winning six consecutive holes. He ended up winning the match by a score of 6 and 5, and he has therefore moved on to the round of 32.

Today Thomas will play Scott Strohmayer, who plays on the University of Alabama golf team. Ironically, Thomas is on his way to play college golf for Alabama as well. The match tees off at 8:30 PDT.

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